Sunday, February 3, 2013


I can honestly say I never struggled so hard in starting to write a blog post but I definitely am because there's so much of eclare to talk about. So I guess, Im gonna start with some gifs.
I think this gif/picture in itself perfectly sums up their relationship. Alot of non eclare shippers say that their relationship is damaging, Eli is too unstable or whatever it may be, the reason Eli has done all those things is because he cares for so much. And after him losing Julia, it's near impossible for him not to be overprotective over his next girlfriend and I think that applies to anyone. But he truly does care about her and I think the trust and strength of their relationship I really love.
I think all of us eclare fans can say the best thing? THE WAY HE STARES AT HER. He stares at her like she changed and helped him so much which she did and like she's the most beautiful girl and I can stare at that picture forever and just die at the gaze. It's so perfect and I'm getting shivers just staring at it constantly. Only the look of love guys, Im telling you. And I think what's underrated is Clare's look towards Eli.
I think this gif captures it perfectly and her love for him. She is just very appreciative and glad he's there to protect her. Though in s11, she didnt want him to be her "protector", she realizes how glad she is to have a boyfriend that's willing to accept what happened then her rather than ending it because some grown man kissed her. 

Lets start with how they met. A classic remembrance in s10. Can I just stare at his eyes forever in this one? But I think the moment eclare met, we knew something was going to happen. The first you say to someone you dont even know is not "You have pretty eyes", but I guess Eli being the brave warrior ;) he is, he did and I just think Clare's blush and flushed look sealed the deal that something was going to blossom, unbeatable way to meet. I loved it, it was definitely original rather than meeting in class. The crushing of her glasses was kind of like that part of her life was over and here comes Eli stepping in. Perfect beginning.

Okay besides those reasons I love eclare, I want to highlight the fact that eclare has been through hell as you all know. Clare's parents divorce', Eli's hoarding, dealing with Julia, rejection of sex, Fitz, DTW breakup like the literally Eclare has been through absolute HELL. But I think Eli telling Clare about Julia and the hoarding, shows the trust they have with each other and him rejecting her takes a hell lot of courage cus I mean look at Clare. How can you not? They've made it so far and that is absolutely amazing and admiring. Even after all that drama, it didnt end because Asher came in the picture. It's a never ending battle of struggles but they manage to get through alll of them and it's just ugh they are perfect.

LMFAO THIS GIF JUST MAKES ME LAUGH, CRY, SMILE AND EVERY TIME I SEE IT ON MY DASH, FEELS. So much love and spontaneity in the kiss, I could die right now. And Clare's nerves and shock is shown so much an that kiss was just to die for. Stop being perfect guys, I hate you.
But back to the point, I love  them so much because their relationship is so unique and obviously not every typical teenage relationship will be like that, the strength and the struggles but I think the writers showed how drastic the relationship can be and I can relate because I have a friend who was like why cant Eli be real, we'd be so perfect for each other because she was going through reflectively the same as him. Im getting the ultimate feels writing this.

But if you dont ship Eclare, comment and tell me why and if you do, what did I miss?

I'll leave you with this to begin drowning in your tears in 3...2...1

You should comment, I would love to have a convo about eclare. Or on twitter: munrosblinks

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