Monday, January 28, 2013

"The Next Generation was better"

"TNG is better", Feels, Ships and Annie Clark

So I had the whole week off for midterm week and I loaded myself up in watching TNG episodes. The TNG  gives me the ultimate feels.I cant count how many episodes I rewatched and it just reminds me why I love the show so much.

But first off, obviously if you've been in DTC or a degrassian for some period of time, you cant help but hear people say, "Oh I miss the old Degrassi, the old Degrassi was better, why the same storylines."

First off, TNG seasons aren't going to be the same because there are different people. I undoubetly miss it too and the old cast but if you are a dedicated Degrassian, you won't abandon the show like that. Repetitive storylines? What do you expect when the show has been on for 33 years?

Though some storylines are repeated, it is different every time.
Craig being bipolar was completely different from Eli being bipolar and his hoarding. And in high school, one thing doesnt happen and never again, you're gonna have multiple people getting pregnant, having eating disorders, flunking out of school. IT'S REALISTIC. AND THAT'S WHAT DEGRASSI IS ABOUT.

The only reason TNG might seem better because it was fresh ideas but building off of those ideas again doesnt make the show any less amazing than it was. I dont know but I still love the show and could never stop watching. It's all I do.

my degrassi and munro bracelet. i have eclare and misfits on the other arm :)

Okay now to my feels. When rewatching the episodes, I couldnt bring myself to watch "We Built This City". Though I do love that show, I cant willingly put myself through that torture. If you dont know, We Built This City is the episode where TNG characters graduate, and actually typing this right now is giving me feels. It's like a stage of my life was over kind of like graduating in real life. And I just dont want to believe they are gone and moved on. Even though they are, it's easier to accept without watching that episode and just, sigh why cant they come back? I really do miss the cast, cant they just make it one big show?

Now my ships, my favorite part of Degrassi, somewhat. 

TNG ships:

Dolly J

I can't even begin to explain why I like these ships, it's just, how, like where do i start? They all have something about them, whether it's there past, their storylines, the way they got together, what they've been through, how they met. Something that keeps me going. But of course with Degrassi, nothing is ever endgame and they love to torture us. Let's see how many of them were actually endgame. NONE I think except Crellie, I remember Craig and Ellie hugging in the airport and I feel that was their last scene, cant remember exactly. 

basically me everytime my ship is broken up. Eclare and Fimogen are still together but after the promo, Im still hesitant about Eclare and Fimogen, I dont know where its going and im terrified of finding out. But that's it.

And also HUUUUGE THANKS to Degrassi on Google+ for allowing to to talk to Annie Clark. Came in the chat an hour late but so thankful, I was able to talk to her and cant wait for more. So glad we have people like that and cast members who want to talk to us and the production who help and keep us all connected. I love being a Degrassian fangirl.

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