Monday, January 28, 2013

Opinion on Eclare Promo

"Think you know Eclare, but you dont" 

That phrase alone is terrifying. The writers know that we love Eclare endlessly and will do anything to make them endgame so the fact that they put that in the promo is an evil teaser. They're testing us but then again I think, it could be a trick, Degrassi promos are always misleading so that's my little bit of hope.

First, with this new blond girl. Eli, if you actually cheat I'm so done with you. Im convinced the writers read fanfiction because there are too many things I've read that are coming true. Though, I do admit Eli cheating adds some drama and is such a good storyline because it's unexpected but if Eli graduates without Clare by his side, quitting life.

And that note that Eli found about Jake:

"He is romance. I could go all the way with Jake. I am ready to make love to him. I shudder with anticipation as my------"

And the diary entry is cut off. Focusing on the entry itself, Clare, where in the world do you see romance in Jake? He is the exact definition of non-romantic, he breaks up with you at prom, kisses your best friend. And you are abstinent and have held this close to you for years and you decide to give it up to your STEP BROTHER. JUST WHAT?

I understand you arent related but you might as well be, it's just like a cousin. And I thought she had more willpower than that, and though I am a complete eclare shipper and they should express their affection, Eli then again cant be mad.

What I'm assuming is he's mad because Clare wanted to have sex with him rather than Eli. But Eli was going to have sex with Imogen so it's a double standard. And though I completely understand it's weird and kind of hypocritcal for Clare to want to have sex with Jake than Eli, it's completely her choice. And though, it's an illogical thought for us, she could have felt more comfortable with Jake, whatever the reason is, Eli needs to be accepting of it because it is what it is.

"I'm not the problem, you are." I am so scared, because I dont know how this relates to the diary entry but this is terrifying to think about. If there is another breakup, I will shed billions of tears but I have no idea what Clare can possibly be doing wrong that she's the problem. PROBLEM IN WHAT? SO CONFUSED.

Degrassi Promos continue to confuse me to no end. *sigh* The season starts February 15th EST, MAKE SURE TO TUNE IN

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